Waters and Target Species

experience secluded wilderness


no crowds here

Crescent Spur is located in the Rocky Mountain Trench, separating the Northern Rocky and Cariboo Mountains.  Our location allows us to fish the waters of both these majestic mountain ranges.  The fishing grounds encompass a wide variety of characteristics ranging from the small brook-like Upper Walker Creek to the mighty Fraser River, with spectacular sub-alpine lakes thrown into the mix.

The Waters we fish

Fraser River

The Fraser River is a huge watershed, extending all the way from the western edge of Jasper National Park to Vancouver.  Its Chinook Salmon run is impressive.  This spawn attracts trout species, who follow the salmon upstream in search of stray salmon eggs for food.

The Fraser runs right by the Crescent Spur Lodge, allowing easy access to nearby holes.  We often target the mouths of tributary creeks where they meet the Fraser, especially earlier in the season when the migratory trout are beginning their trips upstream.

Goat River

The Goat River has some of the clearest-water habitat for Bull Trout in British Columbia.  We are very privileged to be able to fish this gin-clear river, often sighting migratory bull trout and casting to them.  With towering mountains around and big timber along the banks, this river makes one feel small relative to the terrain.

Macleod Creek

This tributary of the Goat River is similar in character, except with a much lower volume of water.  Travel in this valley can be difficult, and landings for the helicopter are not available, making this a destination for those dedicated and willing to hike to the holes.  We specifically avoid this creek once the Bull Trout are paired up to spawn, allowing the fish to reproduce in peace.

Haggen Creek

Across a pass from Macleod Creek and on the west side of the Cariboo Mountains is Haggen Creek.  Similar to the Goat River, this river is large and fast, with aggressive bull trout and crystal-clear water.  A very special watershed, this destination requires a significant flight from the lodge and is therefore a full-day affair.  Pack your lunch!

Morkill River

Located a stone’s throw from the Crescent Spur Lodge, the Morkill is a large and slow-moving river that follows a serpentine path from the Rocky Mountains to the Fraser.  With ample holes, open back-casts, walkable banks, and a variety of species to target, this river is a crowd favourite.

Torpy River

Similar to the Morkill, this low-incline river snakes its way through a wide open valley towards the Rocky Mountain Trench.  The open terrain can be a treat on a sunny day, and the friendly fishing terrain is perfectly complemented by spawning trout travelling towards their spawning grounds farther upstream.

Lower Walker Creek

Taking the right fork in the Torpy, one finds themselves on the lower reaches of Walker Creek.  With smaller water and closely-packed serpentine bends, this creek is very productive fishing with little walking required between holes.

Upper Walker Creek

Walker Creek climbs steeply from the lower valley and heads deep into the mountains.  Impressively, trout make the arduous climb into the upper reaches, where they then rest & recuperate before spawning.  The small water at a high elevation is unique and spectacular to witness.  We are careful to manage the pressure on this sensitive watershed so that future generations can also experience its magic.

Alpine Lakes

Snowshoe & Diggins Lakes

With opaque turquoise waters and dramatic glaciers immediately above them, these two subalpine lakes are absolutely stunning to see.  They were both stocked in times past, and the stocked trout are now feral and reproduce naturally.  These lakes can provide a peaceful and restful break for those tired from long days on the rivers, and are known to produce very healthy Rainbow Trout in the 8-pound range.

Other Lakes & Rivers

Our operating plan allows us to explore further afield to new-to-us waters.  If you have a hankering for an adventure, let us know and we can start scheming!

Not into fly-fishing? Or you are into fishing, but your spouse is not? Check out our heli-hiking packages that are offered along side of our fishing trips.

target species

Bull Trout

Bull Trout – Did you know that Western Canada is home to about 80% of the world’s Bull Trout? These fish thrive in the cold, clean waters and complex underwater habitats found in the rivers and streams around Crescent. The bull trout is a cold-water species that generally prefers well-connected mountain lakes and streams and is often found in deeper pools and slower backwaters.

Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout are found in rivers, streams and mountain alpine lakes. One of the highlights of fishing in Crescent Spur is the opportunity to catch Rainbow Trout in emerald green alpine lakes.

Book your Summer Trip

NOTE: Please let us know your desired trip dates, and if you are inquiring about fishing or hiking.